The US Water Alliance is a proud participant in the Great Lakes One Water Partnership, a multi-year, basin-wide initiative focused on engaging shoreline community foundations as a force multipliers to advance a new era of water management in the region.
I grew up in the Great Lakes Region and lived a few blocks from Lake Michigan for years. I loved spending time at the beach and was just one of the 30 million people in the US and Canada whose drinking water comes from the Great Lakes. Take it from a first-hand perspective, this is a region with deep connections to its rich water resources. On the other hand, it’s also ground zero for some of the most serious water crises in recent American history. Residents have endured homes and businesses submerged under water, unsuitable water infrastructure, and beaches closed and unsafe for families to enjoy.
Led by the Council of Michigan Foundations, the Great Lakes One Water Partnership will support six regional teams made up of over 30 community foundations to develop and implement action plans to advance water infrastructure interventions that improve health, economic development, environmental quality, and equity in their communities. Community foundations are often on the front lines driving innovation and accelerating best practices. They are community anchors and connectors, with long-term vision and stake in forging progress on sustainable, equitable water management.
Supported by the Great Lakes One Water Partnership, these crucial partners will be able to match their local insight with national expertise to win public support and deploy sound solutions to ensure every Great Lakes resident – all 30 million – can access and benefit from clean, healthy water resources.