July 24, 2019

Watch the webinar here.

As we look towards One Water Summit in September, our One Water Webinars in July and August will each feature three One Water Delegations and how they serve to advance integrated and inclusive water management in delegates’ communities and work.

One Water Delegations are the hallmark of the Summit, but delegation engagement lasts far beyond the closing plenary. Delegations are comprised of diverse stakeholders who share common geography, subject matter interest, field of practice, and/or policy goals, who jointly attend One Water Summit—and who continue to leverage their experience after they return home.

Delegations maximize peer-exchange facilitation, knowledge building, and networking to develop Commitments to Action. These commitments are solidified at the Summit but reflect delegates’ prior experience. Months in the making, these commitments help guide delegations as they work to embed and institutionalize innovative practices and policies in regions across the country.

Join us this month for the first part of this webinar discussion to learn how One Water leaders are collaborating and developing new strategies to tackle challenges specific to their region or area of work.


Scott Berry, Director of Policy and Government Affairs, US Water Alliance


Maria Brodine, Water Program Specialist, Groundwork USA/(Urban Waters Delegation)/
Charlie Flatten, Water Policy Program Manager, Hill Country Alliance/(Texas Hill Country Delegation)/
Abu Moulta-Ali, Urban Waters—Partnership Programs Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds/(Urban Waters Delegation)/
Jen Schmitz, Principal Planner—Water Resources, Triangle J Council of Governments/(Research Triangle Delegation)