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Given the socio-economic and environmental trends, public health and safety crises, and tremendous political opportunities for change that our country is facing, how do we create a new era of water management in America? And more importantly, one that secures economic, environmental, and community well-being?
To answer this question, the US Water Alliance worked with more than 40 partner organizations to host 15 One Water for America Listening Sessions. These discussions, which took place across the country, engaged more than 500 leaders, including water utility managers, public officials, business executives, farmers, environmental and watershed advocates, community organizations, planners, and philanthropic organizations.
These sessions drew upon the expertise of innovative leaders across the country who are on the front lines of driving sustainable, integrated, and inclusive water management practices and policies. The One Water for America Listening Sessions were possible because of 40 organizations who partnered on convening, report development, and sharing time and insights. Below are the partners who supported this work:


National Program and Funding Partners:
C.S. Mott Foundation
National Association of Clean Water Agencies
Pisces Foundation
Water Environment Federation
Turner Foundation

National Collaborators:
Alliance for Water Efficiency
American Planning Association
American Rivers
American Society of Civil Engineers
Building America’s Future
The Conservation Fund
National Association of Water Companies
The Nature Conservancy 
WateReuse Association
Water Environment & Reuse Foundation
Water Research Foundation
Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association
US Water Partnership

Regional Host Partners:
American Water Resources Association, Washington Section
Atlanta Regional Commission
Bay Area Council
Cleveland Water Alliance
Detroit Water & Sewerage Department
Everglades Foundation
Iowa Agricultural Water Alliance
Iowa Soybean Association
KC Water
Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District
Mid-America Regional Council
North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans
Tucson Water
Washington PUD Association
Washington State Department of Health
Washington Water Utilities Council
Water Supply Forum