May 15, 2019

As the US water sector prepares to spend $20 billion over the next decade on capital and operating expenditures, the use of smart water solutions-hardware, software, and analytics-is becoming more popular and necessary. The uptick in sector spending is driven by compounding challenges facing municipalities: maintaining and expanding water infrastructure, water distribution system leaks, rising energy costs, rate affordability for customers, and emerging water contaminants. As local municipalities face mounting pressure to “do more with less,” smart water infrastructure is an important solution that needs to be scaled up.

This interactive event will feature a cross-sector panel of leaders discussing the future of smart water infrastructure solutions-how they can be deployed to solve our most pressing water infrastructure challenges, and the role policymakers can play in making those solutions a reality.


Albert Cho, Vice President & General Manager, Advanced Infrastructure Analytics, Xylem Inc.
Kyle Dreyfuss-Wells, Chief Executive Officer, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Ted Henifin, General Manager, Hampton Roads Sanitation District
Andrew Sawyers, Director, Office of Wastewater Management, US Environmental Protection Agency

Welcoming remarks by representatives from the National League of Cities and the National Association of Counties. Moderated by Scott Berry, Director of Policy and Government Affairs, US Water Alliance.

This event is a part of Infrastructure Week 2019, a national week of events, media coverage, education, and advocacy efforts to elevate infrastructure as a critical issue impacting the country. Follow the conversation with #BuildForTomorrow.