May 16, 2017

Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC

Today, cities across the nation are grappling with significant water challenges from aging infrastructure and poor water quality, to water scarcity or flooding. Not only do these challenges impact public health and quality of life, but they also threaten business growth. Added pressures from a changing climate only exacerbates these challenges, leaving communities more vulnerable to extreme storms, flooding and drought. At the same time, a growing number of companies recognize that water security is a core business input that can’t be taken for granted and are stepping up as valuable partners in protecting and restoring the watersheds vital to their success.

The resilience of our cities and our businesses to withstand future water risks will highly depend on how water is managed today. How are local governments, businesses, and others using integrated water management strategies to address environmental challenges head on? How can these challenges promote economic growth and business sustainability? This panel discussion will feature government and business leaders who are adopting sustainable water practices to improve water infrastructure and secure the resilience of their communities.

Featured speakers include:

The Honorable Mayor Darryl V. Grennell, Natchez, Mississippi
The Honorable Mayor Jeri Muoio, West Palm Beach, Florida
The Honorable Mayor Sal Panto, Easton, Pennsylvania
The Honorable Matt Zone, Councilmember, Cleveland, Ohio and President, National League of Cities
Sam Adams, Director, World Resources Institute
Clarence Anthony, CEO and Executive Director, National League of Cities
Kyle Dreyfuss-Wells, CEO, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Emily Feenstra, Deputy Director, US Water Alliance
Betsy Otto, Global Director, Water Program, World Resources Institute
Jon Radtke, Water Sustainability Program Director, Coca-Cola