July 9, 2020

Watch the recording here.

The drinking water challenges facing America today are numerous, including aging infrastructure, contamination, lack of access, and affordability. To gain a deeper understanding of these challenges, and to explore the solutions being implemented around the country, the US Water Alliance and the Water Foundation facilitated four regional roundtables in the Southeast, Pacific Northwest, Southwest, and Great Lakes areas. These regional roundtables highlighted the ways that diverse stakeholders are driving policy solutions at the state and tribal level, and culminated in the development of the joint-publication: Policy Innovations to Secure Drinking Water for All. The report presents eight case studies of drinking water policy successes and draws lessons about what is needed to spread and scale progress on safe drinking water for all.

This webinar, co-hosted with our partners at the Water Foundation, will feature a discussion of the lessons and shared elements of success in the report gathered from our regional roundtables. Attendees will also hear from two different drinking water policy successes that were featured in the report – the California Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund and Ohio’s H2Ohio program.


Scott Berry, Director of Policy and Government Affairs, US Water Alliance


Juliet Christian-Smith, Senior Program Officer, Water Foundation
Michael Claiborne, Senior Attorney, Leadership Counsel for Justice & Accountability
Jonathan Nelson, Policy Director, Community Water Center
Bill Stanley, Ohio State Director, The Nature Conservancy