November 5, 2020

Watch the webinar here.

Engineering is a fundamental component of the change-making process in the One Water movement. Our nation’s water systems, and those that manage those systems, rely on engineering not only to maintain operations, but also to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. As water infrastructure across the country reaches the end of its intended lifespan, it provides an opportunity to engineer new solutions that promote greater resilience. By approaching engineering projects with a One Water lens, leaders are strengthening systems, instead of just addressing one piece of the puzzle.

This webinar showcases engineering innovations and how they are being used to embed One Water practices throughout the sector. Webinar attendees will hear from panelists about successful examples of integrating One Water solutions into engineering practices and will learn how the delivery of these projects have changed organizational culture and the way projects are operationalized.

This will be part one of a three-part webinar series that addresses three key elements of making a One Water future a reality—engineering, planning, and financing. The Implementing One Water webinar series will feature One Water champions and the projects they have led. Each webinar will spotlight One Water in action and will explore how One Water thinking is embedded and institutionalized through the process.


Scott Berry, Director of Policy and Government Affairs, US Water Alliance


Wendy Broley, Vice President, One Water, Brown and Caldwell
Tim Thomure, Director, Tucson Water