May 14, 2021

Watch the recording here.

Earlier this year, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released its quadrennial report card for America’s infrastructure. Once again, the grades were concerning – especially for water. While the drinking water grade improved over past report cards, a C- still indicates there are serious deficiencies in the nation’s drinking water systems. The grades for wastewater and stormwater were even worse. ASCE and the Value of Water Campaign released a report in 2020 that found our annual national water infrastructure investment gap is over $81 billion dollars, and it is growing every year.

Join us for an event on Friday, May 14th at 11:00 am ET / 8:00 am PT hosted by the Value of Water Campaign as part of United for Infrastructure 2021. Hear from expert voices on the scale and scope of our water infrastructure challenges, the unprecedented $111 billion proposed by the Biden administration to make what would be a historic commitment to water infrastructure and a specific commitment to removing lead from water, and what this all could mean for job creation and the communities that water providers serve.


Radhika Fox, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Water, Environmental Protection Agency
Ike Irby, PhD, Policy Advisor, Office of the Vice President, The White House
Rick Callender, CEO, Valley Water
Emily Feenstra, Managing Director, Government Relations and Infrastructure Initiatives, ASCE
Josina Morita, Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Will Pickering, CEO, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority
Kevin Reilly, International Representative, LIUNA