How we work

Delegations can help participants foster new relationships, create new collaborations, and/or build and deepen existing partnerships. Spending focused time together away from day-to-day work creates space for Delegates to discuss and more meaningfully engage with what they learn at Summit, identify and develop new strategies to tackle challenges back home, and/or explore the potential of an ongoing working group that continues to meet after One Water Summit.

Learn more

Delegations must be formed prior to One Water Summit, and we encourage at least seven members who share a common water-related challenge, interest, or goal to participate in the group.

Some of the special features the US Water Alliance offers to One Water Summit Delegations include discounted Summit registration, pre- and post-Summit consultations with Alliance staff, peer exchanges at Summit, publication in the Summit program, and the platform to make public commitments to action during the closing plenary of Summit.

For more information and to register your Delegation, please visit our One Water Summit 2025 Delegations page or email

Register for the Delegation information session

Join us for a virtual information session on March 26 at 4:00 pm ET if you have any questions or need help designing, forming, or joining a Delegation.

Register here