By The Value of Water Coalition

April 29, 2016

Water agencies join groups around the nation to address America’s deferred maintenance crisis, highlight lack of investment in infrastructure as a threat to public health and safety, jobs, and economic growth

The Value of Water Coalition today announced that it will play a leading role in Infrastructure Week 2016, which will be May 16-23. During Infrastructure Week, local, state, and federal leaders will sound the alarm bell that our economy, jobs, and public health and safety are being threatened by a failure to invest in the maintenance and modernization of our nation’s infrastructure.  A broad coalition of business, labor, and government groups will highlight how specific gaps in our infrastructure–from failing water and gas pipes to deteriorating dams, bridges and highways, and public transit systems–matter to all Americans. And, critically, what we need to do to fix these crises before more people, communities, and the economy suffer.

Across the country, cities are putting infrastructure dollars to work and putting shovels in the ground to revitalize water and wastewater systems. To celebrate and spotlight innovative solutions to the nation’s water infrastructure crisis, members of the Value of Water Coalition are hosting a Local Innovators Tour across the country during Infrastructure Week. Participating cities will tell the story about why water infrastructure matters to their communities and the nation, and show how they are securing a sustainable water future.

Cleveland, Ohio
Wednesday, May 11 through Monday, May 23
A series of events hosted by Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District includes “Someone forgot to Pay America’s Water Infrastructure Bill” program, an up close and personal sewer walk for media, green infrastructure tour for elected officials and social/traditional media, and “Sewer U” seminar series open to the general public.

Camden, New Jersey
Tuesday, May 17 – 11am
Press event hosted by American Water and the City of Camden to announce a major milestone in a public-private partnership to improve water and wastewater services, and provide workforce training and skill development in the community.

Alexandria, Virginia
Tuesday, May 17 and Thursday, May 19
Exclusive behind-the-scenes tours for press and elected officials of how Alexandria Renew Enterprises transforms 13 billion gallons of wastewater each year into reclaimed water, clean energy and nutrient-rich soil amendment. The tour will also preview the new LEED Platinum Environmental Center and innovative nutrient management facility and adjacent athletic field, the only one of its kind in the country.

Chicago, Illinois
Saturday, May 21 – 9am-Noon
A day of open houses is scheduled at six of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago’s (MWRD) six water treatment plants across the Chicago region. The MWRD will be offering visitors an exclusive look at its plant operations and also promoting stormwater management practices by giving away hundreds of free potted oak tree saplings to restore the region’s depleted canopy and help reduce flooding.

Los Angeles, California
Date/Time TBA
Public tour of the Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant, hosted by LA Sanitation, will spotlight a new advanced water purification facility used to purify recycled water for non-drinking purposes, a significant step toward meeting Mayor Garcetti’s goals of reducing the city’s reliance on imported water by 50% by 2024.

Infrastructure Week 2016 is led by a steering committee consisting of the AFL-CIO, the American Society of Civil Engineers, Building America’s Future, Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program, the National Association of Manufacturers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Value of Water Coalition. Find out more about Infrastructure Week at Follow the conversation on Twitter, @InfraWeek and #InfrastructureMatters.