Economic sectors including agriculture, hospitality, food and beverage service, manufacturing, and more all rely on water. Hospitals and firefighters need water to do their jobs too. An interruption in water service is an economic, public health, and public safety issue. But in many communities, water systems are more than a century old. The pipes, sewers, and treatment plants are often out of sight and out of mind. That is why the Value of Water Coalition is hosting Imagine a Day Without Water – to give everyone who cares about water a chance to speak with one voice, on one day, about the need to invest in these critical systems.
“I am thrilled with the breadth of groups who are joining the Imagine a Day Without Water effort. While the water challenges we face are vast – aging infrastructure, water quality issues, drought, and more – our capacity for innovation is greater. We have the solutions we need to solve our water problems, but it isn’t going to be easy or free. We need public officials, the private sector, and communities to stand up and prioritize investment in water systems. Because no community should ever have to go a day without water,” said Radhika Fox, Director of the Value of Water Coalition and CEO of the US Water Alliance.
Across the country on September 15, organizations will host a variety of events to shine a spotlight on water in their communities. Water utilities are opening their doors and inviting the public in for tours of their facilities. Some organizations are hosting beer tasting events to showcase recycled water. Schools are teaching water-focused curriculum. There will be rain barrel giveaways and partnerships with local businesses, like coffee shops, that rely on water.